Friday, November 15, 2019

Book Blogger Hop #3

Book Blogger Hop a link-up hosted by Billy @ Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Each week, there is a new question to answer. The hop runs from Friday until Thursday. The rules are super simple.. Just answer the weekly question in your post - link up and visit other blogs! Easy way to have some fun and get to know some fellow bloggers in the process!

This Week The Question Comes From Maria @A Night's Dream of Books
Do you think that overall work morale would be improved by having a "book lunch", sponsored by the company, at least once a month, or perhaps once a week? (Participation would be voluntary.)
I honestly think it depends on where you work; and what the general feeling about it from the other employee's is.. For instance; as a nurse, it would be beneficial where I work, simply because a ton of us read and we like to share about what we read. So it will give us a way to connect about something we all love and talk about something other than patients and work for a little while. It would be like our own little book club.

I'm married to an Army man - and while I know men read; as mu husband does as well - if I even try to mention books in front of them; they all stare at me like I have 5 heads. So I am not entirely sure how well something like this would go for them lol.

If it's something that is wanted; I think it will boost morale completely. Not to mention; it's fun!


Broken Souls Is Hosting a Blogging Challenge!

I am hosting a Bookish New Year challenge for book bloggers!
If you have time; stop in and check it out!
While you're there; sign up to participate!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Broken Soul Reviews


Discuss With Me!

Share with me; we can compare notes!
Don't forget to check out everyone else's answers as well! You can do that HERE!
You never know; they might list your favorite!


  1. I completely agree that it really depends on the work place. Since reading is my main hobby, it's a great way for me to connect with my coworkers, but since we work in an office and have slightly flexible schedules it's easier to really take the time to go for lunches and talk and read. Whenever we I'm always really grateful for it, so it definitely improves my morale xD
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  2. I'm an "alone reader" so I wouldn't even participate :P I don't discuss books, maybe because no one reads around me, I'm the only bookworm in the family and among friends so I've never even considering discussing books with others... But nice answer! I do agree that depends on the situation. Have a nice weekend ;)
